Friday, December 2, 2011

Black Friday

We weren't going to go Black Friday shopping this year because we don't have any money so we didn't really look at the If I had money I would have gone to go get a new front load high efficiency washer and dryer....possibly in the color RED cuz I like Christmas (hint hint...if anybody is feeling EXTREME Christmas Cheer just post an anonymous comment and I'll send you my delivery address....TOTALLY JK....kind of....unless you really are rich and have $2000 or so that you wouldn't even notice was missing....okay I'm done) =P

Back on my beautiful mom-in-law saw some things and had to work the next morning so we went to Target for her.

They opened at 12 a.m.....for anyone who didn't know....and we got there at about 11:58 p.m. because we really didn't think ALL of St. George was going to be here.

If you are familiar with the St. George Target....we are in line PAST LOWES....which is like 10 stores down from Target.

We thought well once they start letting people in the line should go pretty quickly.....but Target was pretty organized.....I think they were only letting a few people in at a time.

Here are a few pictures of our advancement to Target.

The line behind us...probably 20 minutes after already waiting.

Finally at the corner!

Had to take this picture fast while we were walking....Braulio was getting mad at me cuz I'm obsessed. lol

It only took us 45 minutes to get
I'm probably on some persons random blog or youtube video post cuz some dude in a car pulled up next to us and asked if we really thought we were going to get what we wanted. I told him probably not. Then he asked what we were getting...and I just said something small and then laughed. He laughed back and the drove off while the whole time he was videoing me with his phone. =P



We got everything we came for.....I even got the New Moon DVD for only $4 bucks! Thats what I was going in something small. lol I also got a Christmas Present for Kirra that was 1/2 off. Woot Woot! :)

Then we had to stand in line.....
we zig-zagged through isles clear from the back of the store. 
It only took us an hour and 1/2 to check out.

It was funny because the same people directly behind us in line to get in the store were directly behind us in line to check out.

Even funnier which made my night even better....while we were standing in line to check out...all of a sudden there was this random cart with no person in front of me. I was talking with the couple behind us and I was like....what the heck where did that come from. So we all just went past it and got back in line. I was trying to figure out whose cart it was then I recognized one of the ladies in front of me but was confused cuz I thought she was by herself but she was with a group of people. So I asked her if she had lost her cart...and she looked around and looked so confused and then she was like OMG I forgot my cart and ran to go get it! It was sooooo funny! 

She was thanking me and then saying how it was her first time Black Friday shopping and it was her bedtime. lol. It was great.

Happy Black Friday! :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Love, Love, Loved it!

Last Thursday I scored.

We were going to Biolife and 94.1 was there giving away tickets for Breaking Dawn. 

I entered the drawing....and I won.

As soon as the guy started saying my last name I knew it was me...."Alison Ar...uh...Arg" I screamed "Thats me!!! Thats me!!!" As I ran & pushed my way through the crowd knocking mothers and their small children down along my way.

It was a hoot.
Ok so that last part didn't really happen but I was pretty excited.

So I won two tickets...we had to be there before 7 to line up and they couldn't tell us what time the movie was starting.

Bella and Edward were getting married while we waited in line.


Rossy & I waiting in line.

When we got in the theatre they gave out a bunch of prizes....some pretty nice ones too...but we didn't win :( boohoo.

Then the movie started at 8....while all the people that actually had to buy their tickets were out standing in line in the cold waiting for their movie to start at midnight.

I really liked it a lot...yeah I'm a twi-hard. 
I'm one of those silly girly girls.

The funny thing is I defied reading books all the way to age 26. Simply refused to read a book. Everybody at good ol' Berrett Pest Control (my old work) would always tell me to read twilight. "Its sooo good. You HAVE to read them!" I was like yeah yeah whatever...thats what they all say.

Then I watched the first movie.

I thought...what the heck I'll try reading the book.

Now I'm a reading little fool....have a bookcase and the whole she-bang. 
Even with books that I haven't even read yet....just waiting to get their little pages looked over by my beady little eyes.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Life's Precious Moments

Favorite moments of my day.

1. Seeing and getting a picture of my favorite face of Kirra's when she doesn't like her food. 
Scrunching her cute little eyes. :)

2. Cuddling with Kirra after her bath. LOVE!

3. Receiving sweet besos from Kirra without even asking.

4. Getting kisses from my hubby when he got home from school. ;)

5. Getting my butt kicked at the gym from my P.T.

6. Seeing Kirra wave bye to the daycare lady at the gym just after she was screaming from us leaving her there.

7. Being able to eat at Panda Express and still be under my total calories and fat for the day.

8. Watch Kirra give sweet besos to her daddy before bed.

9. Receiving mas besos from Kirra before putting her down for bed.

10. Watching Kirra grab her blanket in her crib and roll over and cuddle with it the way she does every time.

and last but not least.
11. Following the spirit and making a call to a friend when she needed me most.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mega Piranha = Save Me....Please! me...please! From this ridiculous movie! I came into our room last night and this was on our television. My condolences if you really like this movie....but its horrible. 

The acting....the effects....everything....LAME! I was laughing at serious parts because the acting was so gay. 
I can't say anything more.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fall In November

Its barely fall in St. George....

and Kirra's skirt is a little too big...


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Our Little Zombie Princess

Kirra's first Halloween....she was a Zombie Princess...

Any guesses on who decided what she would be for Halloween?

I had seen the CUTEST Ladybug costume on craigslist....but he refused to let me get it. She was going to be a I added the princess. Although she looks more like a zombie witch than a princess because we shopped for her costume on Halloween day. =P

But she still is super cute....the prettiest zombie princess...or witch out there! :)

They had a little trunk or treat at a car dealership so we took her there. We got a free pumpkin and they had a little picture booth where we took pictures. They are super cute but our scanner isn't working so I can't get them on here. :(

She looked so funny with her little tights here. lol

After that we went home and handed out candy to the trick or treaters.....we figured we wouldn't get a tons of trick or treaters so we got regular size candy bars and handed those out. We were the cool place. Most of the kids....especially the teenagers were very happy. One kid was like "and I wanted to go to the big houses"

Ya'all know how much I love decorating for Halloween. I found this big spider at the DI. I was SUPER excited....we had fun decorating.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

I had another Birthday....other than my age it was pretty good!

Since we live so close to Vegas we went to Vegas. Plus Braulio's grandparents came to town and we met them there so it was a double wammy. 

Thanks to my AMAZING brother he hooked us up on a sweet deal on a room. ;)


Thanks to his AMAZING wife....she watched our precious little Kirra overnight for us. 

It was hard and sad to see her go...because it was our first night without her....we gave her lots and lots of kisses.


It was also good to have a night to ourselves...its been awhile. :)

So we went to the haunted houses....the Fright Dome. They were pretty fun...they had several different haunted houses and you could go on their rides as well. I will say good thing about Texas, their haunted house was TONS scarier....didn't really get too scared at the fright dome....there were a couple good scares though. 

My sis-in-law was saying how she thought it was funny that I like haunted houses and wanted to go for my b-day. Cuz I HATE scary movies....and Braulio loves them. But for some reason I love being scared in a haunted house. Maybe just cuz my B-day is 5 days away from Halloween and I just love Halloween.

Here is a sweet view from our room.

and of course we can't forget the chunkies....

Snoopin' in other people's business...

Awww...I love her so much! 
When we picked her up she saw me and started crawling as fast as her little hands and legs would let her. I seriously can't get enough of her!